Base Triassic Jordan
Michael Stephenson Michael Stephenson

Base Triassic Jordan

The Permian-Triassic boundary sections in Jordan are some of the less well known in the world. Here we investigated Upper Permian to Lower Triassic successions exposed in the Al Mamalih area, east of the Dead Sea, which record the transition between the alluvial Umm Irna Formation (Upper Permian) and the overlying shallow marine Ma’in Formation (Lower Triassic). The Permian-Triassic boundary is constrained either within a hiatus represented by a sequence boundary between these formations or within ca 15 m of shallow marine beds overlying the boundary.

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Negev Desert
Michael Stephenson Michael Stephenson

Negev Desert

Palynological assemblages from cores 11 to 14 of Makhtesh Qatan-2, core 3 of Ramon-1 and core 3 of Boqer-1 boreholes from the Arqov Formation of the subsurface of the Negev, suggest that at least part of the Arqov Formation is Changhsingian in age.

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